I grew up outside of any religious influence until I joined the LDS church when I was 17. I struggled to secure my own eternal progression until 2001 when Christ used my husband Rich to walk me to the cross where I found the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Having become a new creation in Christ, the Holy Spirit has given me a passion for evangelism and preaching the good news of the Gospel to anyone who will listen. Therefore, when we are not serving the church or spending time with our family, Rich and I love to ride our motorcycles where Christ uses us to proclaim His grace to the lost and broken we find on the highways and byways of our great nation.
Rich and I have been married since 2002 and we have six children (including our son and daughter-n-law) and three grandchildren. Our son Adrian is deceased and living in heaven with Jesus. His son Michael (21) lives in Salt Lake City, His widow Mary and daughter Brenda (16) live in Omaha. Our son Josiah (37) lives in Clarion, Iowa. Our Son Jake (33) and our daughter Katie (37), her husband Craig and our granddaughter Emilia (6) all live in St. Louis. As Rich and I enter to serve God’s people here at Victory Lutheran Church we look forward to all the great adventures God has in store for all of us.