The 5% Life
“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10.
As a church, we look at growing deeper in three primary relationships: Up with God, In with God’s people, and Out in God’s world*. So how do you do this? We believe there are 4 strategic ways you can choose to invest your time that grows all three of these relationships.
We are calling it The 5% Life!
As you invest your time in these ways, we believe you will deepen your walk with God, grow in community, and engage in God’s global mission in greater ways.
How does it work?
1% of your
— approximately 15 minutes
— in God Time daily
1% of your
— approximately 1.5 hours
— in Gather Time weekly
1% of your
— approximately 7 days
— in Go Time annually
1% of you
— approximately 7 days
— in Go Time annually
We are convinced that if you embrace “The 5% Life” as a starting point, the other 95% of your life will be changed forever as you know God, be friends and make a difference
!You can find here many resources to help you with this journey of life!