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In this sermon, we explore a dark time for God’s people as Israel worships a golden calf, yet God’s mercy prevails. Despite human failure, God remembers His covenant with Abraham to multiply his descendants. Even in moments of disobedience or despair, God’s promises remain unshaken, delivering on His eternal commitment to grace and redemption. Our mistakes are not the end of the story; they are opportunities for God to reaffirm His promises and for us to embrace His unchanging love.
In this sermon, we explore a dark time for God’s people as Israel worships a golden calf, yet God’s mercy prevails. Despite human failure, God remembers His covenant with Abraham to multiply his descendants. Even in moments of disobedience or despair, God’s promises remain unshaken, delivering on His eternal commitment to grace and redemption. Our mistakes are not the end of the story; they are opportunities for God to reaffirm His promises and for us to embrace His unchanging love.
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John 3:16
Ruth: From Grief to Grace
Power of the Holy Spirit
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Hope Has a Name
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Immeasurably More
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Cultivating a Living Faith
Resurrecting Hope
Good Endings, New Beginnings