Noisy Offering
March 30 All day

March 29 & 30, 2025
The Noisy Offering in March will be for our new Children’s Church. Your generosity will help us purchase supplies for our weekly children’s lessons for our 2-10 year olds. We have been so blessed by the number of children who have been attending Children’s Church during our 11:00 Contemporary Service and we can’t wait for this ministry to grow with your support! God has been moving in these young children’s hearts as they learn about God’s amazing creation. Their smiles were undeniable when all the kids walked out with little flashlights and stories about how God created light just by saying, “Let there be light!” Please let your light shine on this new ministry through your generous donations during our noisy offering and make sure to share this good news of our Children’s church with your neighbors and friends! If you are interested in volunteering to help with Children’s church on Sundays at 11:00, contact: Renee Bennett